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July 22, 2024

Panchanga and Prana

Written by

Srikant Tadigadapa



Panchanga and Prana


The Rhythm of life starts with the “Prana” entering into body, via the Nostrils. The nostrils are the gateway to the inner world and an important junction of the energy communication between the external and internal universe.  

Prana is not just breath, it is the universal life force that permeates everything. Prana comes from two Sanskrit words. Pra - Constantly, and na - denotes moving. 

The flow of Prana, a very subtle and vital aspect of breath, is also known as  “Swara” in Sanskrit. Thus “Swara” means the continuous flow of air through one nostril. 

The main source of knowledge of Swara comes from “Shiva Swarodaya”, which is an ancient tantric scripture. In this scripture, Lord Shiva shows Mother Parvati the  Swarajnana; knowledge of breathing technique. The Verse 20 of the scripture  describes Swara as below: 

ब्रह्माण्ड खण्ड पिण्डाध्याः स्वरेणैव हि निर्मिताः।

सृष्टिसंहारकर्त्ता स्वरः साक्षान्महेश्वरः         ॥२०॥

“In the macro and microcosmos, all are created only by the swara, which is also the cause of creation and dissolution. Swara is verily Lord Shiva himself”.  

In Yogic practices, the Swara is channelised by the regulated practice of breathing through Ida Nadi (Chandra/Left Nostril), Pingala Nadi (Surya/Right Nostril), or Sushmna Nadi (Both Nostrils). Through these breathing practices the flow of swara controls our lives.

Swara yoga is the ancient science of pranic body rhythms, which explains how the movement of prana can be controlled by manipulation of the breath. This enables one to realise the depth and immensity of the mind, consciousness, and cosmos. 

अथस्वरं प्रवक्ष्यामिशरीरस्थस्वरोदयम्

हंसचारस्वरूपेण भवेज्ज्ञानं त्रिकालजम्   १०॥

“Now I will describe the science of the origin of the swaras which reside in the body. With the knowledge of the swaras, which move in the form of Hamso (i.e. the sound of the outgoing Ham and incoming So breath), one acquires knowledge of the past, present, and future”. 

इडायां तु स्थितश्चन्द्रःपिङ्ग्लायां भास्करः

सुषुम्ना शम्भुरूपेण शम्भुर्हंसस्वरूपतः           ॥५०॥

“The moon is situated in ida nadi and the sun in pingala nadi. Shiva is in sushumna nadi in the form of Hamsa (i.e. the sound of the outgoing Ham and incoming Sa breath)”.  

Principles of Swarayoga  

The principles of Swarayoga are based on Panchanga. In a particular time period,  the flow of Swara, either in Ida or Pingala is based on the Vara (Weekday), Phases of Moon (Tithi), Nakshatra, and Lagna. A Swara Yogi uses these cycles to determine auspicious times, inauspicious times, and the nature of work.  

1. Tithi  

Shiva Swarodaya Verses 62 and 63 quote that, in the Swara cycle, the Surya  Swara (Pingala) becomes active at sunrise during the Krishna Paksha on Tithis 1– 3, 7–9, 13–15. Thereafter, Chandra Swara and Surya Swara function alternately in  60–90 minute cycles throughout the day until at sunset, Chandra Swara (ida)  begins to function on the specified dates. On Tithis 4–6, 10–12 of Krishna Paksha,  the Chandra Swara flows at sunrise and Surya Swara at sunset. During Shukla  Paksha we see the reverse. At sunrise of the first 3 Tithis, Chandra Swara flows and during sunset, Surya Swara flows. 

Phase of Moon (Thithi) Bright fortnight
(Shukla Paksha)
Dark fortnight
(Krishna Paksha)
1st / Pratipada, 2nd/Dwitiya, 3rd/Tritiya Chandra swara (Ida) Surya swara (Pingala)
4th/Chaturthi, 5th/Panchami,
Surya swara (Pingala) Chandra swara (Ida)
7th/Saptami, 8th/
Ashtami, 9th/Navami
Chandra swara (Ida) Surya swara (Pingala)
10th/Dashami, 11th/Ekadashi,
Surya swara (Pingala) Chandra swara (Ida)
13th/Trayodashi, 14th/Chaturdashi,
15th/Amavasya or Poornima
Chandra swara (Ida) Surya swara (Pingala)

2. Vaara  

Shiva Swarodaya’s verses 69 and 70 quotes, which Swara is active at Sunrise during a particular Vaara in correlation with Paksha. 

Weekdays (Vaara) Active Nadi (At Sunrise) Fruitful Paksha
Sunday, Tuesday and
Surya swara (Pingala) Krishna Paksha
(Darker Half)
Thursday and Friday
Chandra swara (Ida) Shukla Paksha
(Brighter Half)

3. Nakshatra 

In Panchanga, Nakshatras govern the past life karma and these are also connected with Swara. The birth nakshatra will indicate the active swara in which a native is born. The native will have a karmic debt towards the activities associated with that birth swara.  

Nakshatras Active Swara
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Mrigarsira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Ashlesha, Magha, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Dhanista, Purvabhadrapada and Revati Chandra swara (Ida)
Rohini, Purvaphalguni, Uttarphalguni, Hasta,Chitra,Swati, Visakha, Anuradha,Jyeshta, Moola, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada. Surya swara (Pingala)

4. Lagna  

Shiva Swarodaya’s verses 73 and 74 quotes, the way in which the Swara cycles are connected to the 12 Lagna/Ascendants during the 24 Hour cycle. Based on active lagna and Swara, the associated activities can be accomplished. 

Lagna - During Day Swara
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces Chandra swara (ida)
Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius Surya swara (pingala)

Application of Swara  

Shiva Swarodaya’s verses 57 describes, Chandra swara (ida) on the left is like  “Amrit” (nectar) and the giver of strength and nourishment. Surya Swara (Pingala)  on the right is responsible for all creativity. Based on active Swara individuals can plan certain actions/activities.  

During active Chandra Swara, mental creativity, charity or service, religious practices, mantra sadhana, meeting Gurus or Senior officials, consuming medicines, Practicing Fine Arts, Long journeys towards South or West directions,  Gardening, love proposal to a woman, settling litigations, drinking water are favourable.  

During active Surya Swara, physical and hardworking activities, eating & drinking,  warfare or challenging activities, intellectual study, mathematics, buying and selling, share market trading, commerce, learning to drive or swim, love proposal to a man, travel towards North or East directions and confrontation are favourable. 

Shiva Swarodaya mentions about Yogic techniques such Yoga Danda or (the  posture of lying down sideways) and other techniques to change the active Swara to other Swara based on the activities we undertake. 


Understanding and learning about Swara Yoga in connection with the Astrology principles helps in synchronising with the cosmic energy of the universe.  

Based on the Panchanga during the birth, an individual using Swara Jnana can modify their lives to be more productive by performing psychological activities during active Chandra swara (ida) or physical activities during active Surya swara  (pingala) or activating Sushmna swara through yogic practices helps in gaining spiritual potential.  

In Modern Science, the Chronopsychologists found that during the 24 hour cycle  certain events and one’s mental, emotional, and physical abilities have a ‘best’ or  ‘most likely’ time of day. called as  These ‘most likely’ times of day are known as Biological Rrhythms, which areis the same as ancient the Swara Yoga. 


Swara Yoga The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing - Swami Muktibodhananda.